Let us help you: Biomass Consultancy
Dunster has a wealth of practical experience and knowledge of the renewable heat sector, and as such can offer consultation and design on a range of biomass heating systems.
The biomass industry is small in the UK, undoubtedly it is in a period of transition. The initial rush for biomass boilers due to the RHI funding mechanism created a boom and bust scenario, where many installations were carried out for the wrong reasons, ultimately leaving an industry where quality and design left much to be desired.
At Dunster, we pride ourselves on the quality of design and installation and stand behind what we have undertaken. We are able to offer this experience and knowledge to your project, no matter which stage it is at.
The decision to move to renewable heat is not one to be taken lightly. The capital investment is significant, and it is essential that a project is evaluated fully to ensure the best results. So many poorly executed projects fail due to the initial phase of the project not being designed correctly.
We can help. Dunster has been instrumental in helping customers achieve their aims, reducing costs and CO2 emissions on dozens of projects. We can bring this experience to the table from day one, giving initial direction and feasibility. Get in touch with us to discuss your project.

Design Services
Burning wood to create heat is the most basic of actions for Humans, but getting this process efficient and reliable takes a great deal of design and thought. From the arrangement for fuel deliveries to the distribution of hot water throughout a heating system, the difference in performance by getting the design correct is huge.
Systems work when the individual parts are looked at as a full eco-system, and this is where our experience and knowledge come to the fore. We can design the plant room, the distribution, the controls, and the fuel deliveries as we have done this work for years.

System Reports and Remedial Works
Unfortunately, there are a number of installations in the UK which just arent performing. This may be down to poor equipment, bad installation or lack of controls, but customers have been left with systems that are not fit for purpose.
We at Dunster can investigate systems, produce reports and cost to put things right, all in-house. We have the teams to deliver on the ground as well as produce a report on what and why things are failing, giving you the opportunity to have a heating system you can rely on.