ETA Biomass Boilers
ETA’s boilers are designed to be the most efficient and environmentally friendly on the market. They offer a wide range of products, from small to large capacity units, with the option of either log, woodchip or wood pellets as fuel. Dunster has been an established partner of ETA since they first began installing over 10 years ago due to their great workmanship and proven reliability.
Unparalleled Product Knowledge
We have installed hundred’s of ETA boilers over the years, of all sizes available, and have built up a level of product knowledge which is second to none in the UK. We continue to service and maintain these boilers, as well as many more where the original installer has left the market, stock many parts and can help you get your boiler running to its maximum performance.

Advantages of ETA
- High efficiency
- Automatic fuel quality recognition using lambda sensors
- Low emissions, ease of use and low operating costs
- Long Warranties
- Maintenance and servicing by factory trained engineers
- Minimal risk of blockages of the feed systems
The ETA control systems are second to none, allowing expansive control of all the heating system and beyond, which gives exceptional efficiency across the whole heating network.

Full range of units
ETA offer a huge range of boilers
- SH – Log boilers up to 60kW, including several pellet and log combo units
- PU – compact 7kW to 15kW pellet boilers
- PC – 20kW to 105kW pellet boilers
- PE-K – 100kW to 240kW commercial pellet units
- eHack – 20kW to 240kW Woodchip boilers
- Hack VR – 250kW to 500kW moving grate Woodchip boilers