Looking after the heating system water
The water in a heating system is an essential and often overlooked component, with the repercussions of premature failure a major issue which does not receive the attention that it deserves.
We have seen many a heating system which has suffered from severe corrosion, mostly supposedly treated with inhibitor and forgotten about. Leaking fittings, auto air vents and other small issues can alter the chemistry in the water, allowing corrosion to occur on any steel parts in the system, damaging pumps with particles and generally rotting a system from the inside out. Filters capture the effects of corrosion, but do not prevent it. Chemical inhibitors can passivate the metal surfaces, but ongoing checks are needed to ensure that the levels are correct and the water has the correct properties.
This is why we have looked at other ways to keep things correct, and have followed the European way of treating water through on going, non chemical methods which comply to the standards of VDI2035, a strict set of guideline properties of heating water for the German market. The IWTM systems treat the water going in by demineralising it, then the anode’s in the units keep things correct.
Class-leading water treatment; cleaning established systems or protecting new
Using sacrificial magnesium anodes to extract oxygen, acid and aggressive salts from the water, the Elysator addresses both the symptoms and root cause of corrosion within recirculation heating and cooling systems. Our proven technology engineers optimum environments for these systems, one where corrosion can’t occur and bacteria can’t survive.
Serving both domestic and commercial markets, the Elysator comprehensive range of products combine to ensure the operational reliability and efficiency of your systems, protecting and extending the operational life of expensive assets, increasing energy efficiency whilst reducing running costs and avoiding unnecessary maintenance costs and system downtime.

Ongoing checks
Dunster understand that ongoing monitoring is essential to the longevity of a system. An Elysator unit will give that protection but we still always test the system water on a service. This gives an annual record of the water quality which is essential for any warranty claims, and ensures everything is correct. Without testing there is no indication of problems until components start failing.